Schafer Electric Services, Inc

Do I Need an Electrician to Prepare for an A/C Unit?

An Electrician Men Checking Air Conditioning Unit

Two Electricians Men Wearing Safety Jackets Checking Air Conditioning Unit On Building Rooftop

Although they have become a standard fixture among households all over the country, air conditioners are more complex than they seem. Indeed, as with many electrical devices, they are governed by their own unique sets of guidelines and specifications. Therefore, if you don’t fully understand how they work, you can cause damage to your unit or even your home. With that in mind, the following is a closer look at how to know if you need an electrician to prepare for an A/C unit.

Do You Understand Your A/C Unit’s Needs?

Before deciding whether to hire a professional electrician to help prepare for an A/C unit, you should first ask yourself if you fully understand the needs of your unit. This is because there is a wide variety of A/C units on the market, each of which has its own unique specifications and requirements. Moreover, they are all built for different settings and environments. So, an A/C unit for an apartment is vastly different from one for a mansion.

Either way, although most residences have around a 200-amp service, which is more than enough power to operate the average A/C unit, this is by no means guaranteed. Therefore, you must take the time to find out about your amp service and ensure that you are purchasing an A/C unit that is compatible with your living situation.

Have You Found a Location for Your A/C Unit?

Moreover, A/C units need their own special locations. This is because they require space and power, which makes it next to impossible to install in most areas of their home. On the bright side, many homes and apartments have areas to house A/C units built into their designs. However, this is not always the case. For those who may have more rustic-style homes or homes that are somewhat outdated, you may have either an insufficient hookup option or no hookup option at all.

Either way, if you cannot easily spot a location that is perfect for A/C unit installation, this is a sign that you may need to hire a professional to find and/or create one. Note: If you have an area that may be good for an A/C hookup, make sure it is clean and clutter-free, as this is the best way to avoid accidental damage.

Is Your Electrical System Up-to-Date?

Next, you need to make sure your electrical system is up-to-date. Generally speaking, this is more of an issue in older homes than in newer ones. However, it is entirely possible for a newer home to have electrical issues as well. In most homes, this means your electrical hookup should at least have the capacity to accommodate 200-amp service. In smaller homes and apartments, a 100-amp capacity may be sufficient.

Either way, if you notice that you have frequent electrical issues, power outages, etc., you likely need to have your system upgraded before installing a new A/C unit. Otherwise, you will run the risk of damaging your home as well as the A/C unit itself.

Is Your Home Up To Code?

Being up to date and up to code are two totally different matters. On the one hand, having an up-to-date system means that your home is modern and accommodating of electronic devices of all kinds. On the other hand, being up to code ensures that you are in compliance with all the rules and regulations for electricity and electrical devices in your area. So, no matter if you are establishing a new hook up or revamping an existing one, you need to make sure you are up to code. Ideally, this will be managed by the same company. However, suppose you are going with a lesser quality company to save money. In that case, you may have to call out another company to assess their work and ensure it is safe and in compliance with all local regulations.

Is Your Thermostat Functional?

Many homes have thermostats that are partially or barely functional. When installing a new A/C unit, ensuring that your thermostat is fully functional is essential. This is because this is how you will check the temperature of your home and know if you need to turn the temperature up or down. If you have noticed that your thermostat seems to have frequent errors or other issues, it may be time to have your thermostat replaced.

How Much Noise Will Your A/C Unit Make?

Moreover, many people fail to consider the noise level of their A/C unit until after they have installed it. However, some A/C units can actually be quite noisy, which can cause issues within your home as well as among your neighbors. The amount of noise an A/C unit makes largely depends on the size and quality/condition of the unit. If you are unsure about how much noise it will make, you may want to take the time to do some online research or consult with a professional electrician you can trust.

Either way, make sure the A/C unit you pick makes an appropriate amount of noise for the location. For instance, if your A/C unit is located right near a baby’s room, you will definitely want something quieter as the unit’s frequent use is likely to disturb their sleep schedules. Moreover, if you live in a two-family home, you will also want to consider where the unit will be located and how much noise it will make, as this could cause issues for your neighbors.

Need Help with Air Conditioning Installation?

Overall, if you are ready to install a new A/C unit, you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, unless you have experience in such things, working with a professional is highly recommended. Hiring a professional electrician can be one of the best methods of going about this. If you are in need of such a service, your friends here at Schafer Electric have you covered. Contact us today for a consultation and more information.

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